
Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Dusting away the cobwebs...

oppz... realised tt i slacked in my blogging liao again... keke... wad to do?!

just some updates... (b4 march ends)

Emerge 2006 was a huge success!! hurray hurray... :D really happy~~

then my cs2261 individual assignment is dued liao... :P later gg to present my proj... not much to present also.... hahhaa :P wish me luck~ hope i can pass this proj then enuff liao

then my SoM essay dued... which was quite simple... hope he'll give me a decent grade... n sharks man... my mid term i got 24/25!!!! arghhh~~ 1 point!!!!!!! grrrrrrr....

i'm currently working on my SoM midi composition... halfway thru.. i need inspirations!!~~ n not forgetting my e-commerce website (cs3266).. :P

one happy thing is that CS3251 weekly tutorial submission has ended!! but there's still one more report to do... sianz~~~!!!!

this is gonna be a busy month... as usual... before long... i will graduate liao... *scary scary*

hmm any opinion on whether should i BUY or RENT the convo gown??! :P


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