Another year has passed..
Yep yep my bday came n left with lotsa fun!! Thanks everyone :D
It all started with Friday.. the team in scb BCRS project celebrated for all the august babies their day!! :D yummy mango cake!
Then meet up with tracy, harold, qiqi and koko for drinks at a pub at dempsey... nice place :D although a little warm.. but it's very nice.. the staff are nice too :D thanks tracy for going thru the trouble to get the cake.. buy pressents n organize the outing! :) lotsa pics posted on fb le.. :D heehee
saturday was a day for resting before more celebrations.. hee.. went to watch money not enought 2 at the kallang leisure park.. quite disappointed by the show... maybe have too much expectation... but there's things quite farnie in the show as well :D
Hee after show then went to the old hk cafe at east coast where i got my bday pressie fr dearie! :D Thanks a lot :D although that's not the size i'm looking for but it's still nice.. :D really! nicer the longer u look at it :) hee hee n it's not as small as it seems hahahha :P thanks for the reminder that i'm no longer young le... :~(

Woke up real early on 3rd aug morning to go to changi airport to send daphne off.. she's going to jap for 1 year... then we went for popoye chicken for breakfast.. hmm it's not at yummy as i hope it will leh.. hehe... then jessica n ji n dar sprang a surprise bday cake on me... hahha thanks sia!! :D
After the journey to the east.. we went back to catch more sleep den went to sentosa.. hhehe... i realised things at sentosa is super expensive!! :( gosh...! heng it's my day.. so they got some promotion that i get to enter for free at certain places.. :P watch the 4d show n songs of the sea... songs of the sea in my perception is just musical fountain packaged with a super lame story line n den they charge u 8 bucks for it.. hahhhaha but it's nice... the effect etc etc... no wonder there's super lotsa people who went for it... :)
oh yar.. i forgot to mention... my shoe was spoilt so i got another pair of shoes from everbest. i like it :D hee hee
another year older already.... old liao!!~~~ looking forward to the dinner celebration with family on thurs.. :D
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