
Saturday, September 08, 2007

Final post?

Think this shall be my last post.. till something drastic happen to my life ba... this blog has pretty much lost it's initial purpose n it's more like just an empty shell.

There's quite some things happening lately... which i'm feeling so tired from... can no longer find anymore energy in me to sustain anymore... well... i'll just need a break.

U lose some things u get some things... tt's how things work around... haha...

so i shall look forward to the new happening in my life and hope it can eject some form of energy into me.... though i dun dare to keep my hopes too high cos i fear disappointment fr the expectations.

As to my job, i'm now forced to face some things much earlier then i expected... but i feel like getting out of it cos i feel my energy being snapped out of it... i dun have that much energy to sustain also... i can't find wad i need for me to sustain....

but as i said... we lose some, we gain some... so i shall make a decision while i'm still young.

ta ta for now :D


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