i wonder who read this blog anyway? hmmm :P
time flies.. i'm left with less than 20 days in NUS... i'm gonna miss my hostel.. gotta miss my friends, gonna miss the Soc free print quotas, gonna miss the pink tables, miss climbing up the stairs to go to CAC clubroom :(
hmm accomplished quite a lot today... so can take a mini break fr work.. today cleared SOM term test.. got 2 mistakes... grrrr.. submitted 51 term report n my SOM midi file also... so i'm left with 66 website n my 3 exams paper...
uploading some pics here of the past events :P
i wanna thank all the friends who came down to TQ finals to give their support!!~~ especially people like tata, paul, voices - huili, shuhui, edith, kkt, boon, alvin, jan, yiting, zhuzhu, ck... n the juniors (too many to list)... n my wahine friends!!~~ joelle, shiya, kevin, vianne, xiugui, mayi, junxiang, and also special tks to neng giin.. hahhaaa :P
makeover pic of me n deardear: (ps: we got odm watches as consolation prize :P chose one white n one yellow)

pic taken before the show starts..

me with wahine!!

me n tracy!! dun u think she looks so cute w that hairdo!! so kawaii~~

me n voices ple (mainly juniors... the everyone pic i dun have.. :( )

n also..... emerge 2006~~~~ "da he chao" n pic with the 'dancers' n the senior gers!!!~

N also have pictures with wahine... at MOS.. n our last lecture together.. sobsob

i also wanna thank everyone who created all the beautiful memories i have in my Uni Life~~
keke... n now to talk abt my potato aka precious... he's slowing down on his food intake liao... he kena flu.. n it's so farnie so hear him cough.. so cute!!! can't imagine someone so tiny will cough... but he's looking cuter each day... i love it when he tilt his head up n look up... his face will look less cubbier... n it's so cute!!!! hahah i simply can't resist playing w his cheeks :P hehe.. he now can support his head le.. n he can toss n turn liao... keke... think he's trying to crawl liao lor... :P here's a picture of him i took some time ago... i love it when he does this:

gotta work hard for this last lap.... n then enjoy!!!~~ before "hell" comes.. :P
time flies.. i'm left with less than 20 days in NUS... i'm gonna miss my hostel.. gotta miss my friends, gonna miss the Soc free print quotas, gonna miss the pink tables, miss climbing up the stairs to go to CAC clubroom :(
hmm accomplished quite a lot today... so can take a mini break fr work.. today cleared SOM term test.. got 2 mistakes... grrrr.. submitted 51 term report n my SOM midi file also... so i'm left with 66 website n my 3 exams paper...
uploading some pics here of the past events :P
i wanna thank all the friends who came down to TQ finals to give their support!!~~ especially people like tata, paul, voices - huili, shuhui, edith, kkt, boon, alvin, jan, yiting, zhuzhu, ck... n the juniors (too many to list)... n my wahine friends!!~~ joelle, shiya, kevin, vianne, xiugui, mayi, junxiang, and also special tks to neng giin.. hahhaaa :P
makeover pic of me n deardear: (ps: we got odm watches as consolation prize :P chose one white n one yellow)

pic taken before the show starts..

me with wahine!!

me n tracy!! dun u think she looks so cute w that hairdo!! so kawaii~~

me n voices ple (mainly juniors... the everyone pic i dun have.. :( )

n also..... emerge 2006~~~~ "da he chao" n pic with the 'dancers' n the senior gers!!!~

N also have pictures with wahine... at MOS.. n our last lecture together.. sobsob

i also wanna thank everyone who created all the beautiful memories i have in my Uni Life~~
keke... n now to talk abt my potato aka precious... he's slowing down on his food intake liao... he kena flu.. n it's so farnie so hear him cough.. so cute!!! can't imagine someone so tiny will cough... but he's looking cuter each day... i love it when he tilt his head up n look up... his face will look less cubbier... n it's so cute!!!! hahah i simply can't resist playing w his cheeks :P hehe.. he now can support his head le.. n he can toss n turn liao... keke... think he's trying to crawl liao lor... :P here's a picture of him i took some time ago... i love it when he does this:

gotta work hard for this last lap.... n then enjoy!!!~~ before "hell" comes.. :P